Egyszerű nézet Tőke, Judit Czirják, Gábor Tóth, Miklós Rácz, Károly Patócs, Attila Balázs 2015-01-11T13:28:55Z 2015-01-11T13:28:55Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation pagination=1775-1782; journalVolume=155; journalIssueNumber=45; journalTitle=ORVOSI HETILAP;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1556/OH.2014.30035
dc.description.abstract Circulating markers of neuroendocrine tumours are useful tools in the diagnosis of these tumours. Laboratory tests for general biomarkers have acceptable sensitivity for the recognition of neuroendocrine tumours as these biologically active proteins are typically synthesized by all types of neuroendocrine cells. Measurement of chromogranin A is widely used not only in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumours but it may predict the prognosis of the diseases and the effect of the antitumor therapy. It is also a useful tool for the detection of residual tumours. Neurendocrine tumours represent a heterogeneous group of tumours with the ability to secrete several hormones and, therefore, measurement of these hormones can also serve as neuroendocrine cell type-specific markers in routine clinical practice. In this review the authors summarize the significance of tumour markers in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumours as well as in the management and follow-up of patients with this disease. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(45), 1775-1782.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0030-6002
dc.title Biokémiai markerek jelentősége a neuroendokrin daganatok felismeresében és a betegek követésében
dc.type Journal Article 2015-01-10T12:41:15Z
dc.language.rfc3066 hu
dc.identifier.mtmt 2808397
dc.identifier.pubmed 25362640
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/II. Sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/I/Élettani Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/IISZBK/MTA-SE Molekuláris Medicina Kutatócsoport (2006-ig: MTA-SE Gastroenterológiai és Endocrinológiai Kutatócsoport)
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/IISZBK/MTA-SE Lendület Örökletes Endokrin Daganatok Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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