The purpose of the present study was to determine the tropane alkaloid
content of genetically transformed hairy root cultures of Atropa
belladonna L.
Determination of alkaloids was performed by HPLC method. Samples were
extracted with chloroform - methanol - cc. ammonia 15:5:1 (v/v/v).
Crude extracts were purified on Extrelut columns. HPLC separation was
performed on Luna C8 reversed phase column. An isocratic mixture of
acetonitrile - 30 mM phosphate buffer - methanol 12.2:79.7:8.1 (v/v/v)
was used as eluent. Peaks were identified by addition of standards and
diode-array detection. Hyoscyamine, scopolamine and apoatropine were
determined by external standard method at 210 nm.
We measured the alkaloid content of genetically transformed in vitro
cultures (hairy roots and reorganised plants) cultivated on Gamborg B5
basic media. The highest hyoscyamine and scopolamine content was found
in hairy root clone #K-5 (0,223 m/m%) and in hairy root clone #K-4
(0,018 m/m%) respectively. Alkaloid contents were higher in the hairy
roots than in the reorganised plants.