Follow-up includes the permanent contact with and health education of the patient, the surveillance and control of the adverse effects of surgery, oncological therapies or radiotherapy, the screening of metachronous cancers, and the comprehensive (physical, psychological and social) rehabilitation of the patient which may be enhanced by healthy life-style. The early detection and curative management if necessary, of local/regional tumor relapse is still a priority but the routine screening of distant metastases by means of imaging studies or tumor marker tests is not justified. Supportive therapy means to endocrine therapy, available social support in Hungary, and the key issues and managing tools of physical and psychooncological care are provided. Individual solution of special issues (breast cancer risk/ge-netic mutation, pregnancy) may be served by widening options. Ideally, follow-up is practised by a cooperative team of oncologists, surgeons, breast radiologists, social workers, physiotherapists, psychiatrists. The follow-up approach should be comprehensive and holistic. © PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING HUNGARY.